Gallery Koyanagi is pleased to reopen the gallery from Tuesday, June 9, by reservation only for the time being. 

We would be grateful for your generous cooperation in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19.


Gallery selection|


Michaël Borremans

Mark Manders

Hiroshi Sugimoto – Diorama


Wednesday, September 16 – Saturday, November 28

*The gallery will be closed on October 27.

*The exhibition will reopen on October 28 with some changes to the works on exhibition.


* Please choose the time slot for your visit from the following time schedule.

* The number of visitors per time slot will be limited to 5 people, with the duration of 40 minutes at maximum. 


[1]  12:00-12:40

[2]  13:00-13:40

[3]  15:00-15:40

[4]  16:00-16:40

[5]  17:00-17:40

[6]  18:00-18:40


[ How to make a reservation ]

Please make a reservation by 6pm on the day before your visit by sending an email to stating the following information:

1) preferred date and time slot for your visit

2) your name

3) number of visitor(s) up to 5 people

4) your email address

5) your mobile phone number

We will confirm your reservation by replying to your email.



[ Important notice for visitors ]

* Upon arrival at the gallery, we will take each visitor’s temperature by non-contact thermometer. 

* Please note that we cannot accept visitors without reservation.

* Please wear masks at all the time and sanitize your hands at the gallery entrance.

* Please refrain from visiting the gallery if you have such symptoms as fever or coughing. 

* Please note that we cannot accept visitors with fever of 37.5 C or above.



[ Our preventing measures against the COVID-19 ]

* All our staff take temperature every morning and co-check each health status.

Gallery doors and windows will be regularly opened to ensure the space is sufficiently ventilated.

* The gallery staff will be washing and sanitizing hands frequently and keep wearing masks at all times. 

* Partitions will be installed at the reception counter to prevent droplets.

* We make sure to sanitize the exposed areas every morning and after each time slot.



Please note, in case of the unexpected situation with the COVID-19, we may change the gallery operation or close the gallery following to instructions from the concerned authorities.  In that case, we will send you an email informing any updates, and please check our website for the latest visiting information.